I absolutely love the internet!! I love how with just a few simple clicks we can find almost anything we need (or don’t need). Haha. I just can’t imagine my life without internet access. How am I gonna blog?!??!! =) I’ve noticed that more and more of my clients are meeting each other over the internet via social networks such as Facebook and Myspace or via internet dating such as Match.com or E-harmony. I give major kudos to the internet for bringing two meant-to-be people together and then of course sending them my way!! =) At first, Joy and Joe were both a little hesitant about signing up for this dating service. Little did they know… they were in for a life-long treat!! So read on for our day wedding of Westlake Village Inn wedding photography.
In the past year, it was an awesome experience getting to meet and work with Joy and Joe, a sweet and genuine couple!! After the exchange of a few emails and phone calls, Gavin and I met them both over a delicious meal at the Cheesecake Factory in Pasadena. With a background in Pharmacy, Joe and I clicked instantly. Joe was (at the time) applying to Pharmacy school and so we talked on and on and on about the application process and the field of pharmacy itself. And as for Joy… she has a really fun and interesting job as well. She works for Mattel and designs all the Barbies and the accessories. How cool is that??
Joy and Joe had both their wedding ceremony and wedding reception at the Westlake Village Inn. They had a lunch reception (or a day wedding), which means we had a lot of time for photos of the bride and groom after the reception.
Preparation at the Westlake Village Inn

I think it’s always so sweet when the groom sends his bride a little “love note” before their wedding ceremony. It’s always so emotional (for everyone — including me).

Can you believe Joy did her own make-up!??! Great job Joy!! I love the nude-natural beauty look!!

Joe’s parents helping him get ready.

You know the popular saying… ” something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue?” Well guess what… it’s actually incomplete!! The complete saying is from a old Victorian rhyme that goes, “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a penny in your shoe.” In this rhyme, the penny was used to ensure the wealth and good fortune of the couple. The penny is then saved by the bride and and later will be given to her daughter on her wedding day. It was very thoughtful of Joy to pick two pennies, each with the year that they were born in.

Tuscan Gardens Wedding Ceremony at the Westlake Village Inn
Their beautiful wedding ceremony was held at the Tuscan Gardens at the Westlake Village Inn. Doing wedding photography at the Tuscan Gardens was simply amazing.

Westlake Village Inn Lunch Wedding Reception
The lunch reception was done at the Provence Room at the Westlake Village Inn. It has a great view of the small lake outside it’s towering windows and is very well lit during the day (since it was a day wedding or lunch reception).

These were their party favors!! Super cool right??? They manage to find “Joe’s Root Beer” and “Pepsi Joy”!!

More Westlake Village Inn Wedding Photos
After their lunch reception, we walked around Westlake Village for some bride and groom pictures. There are so many gorgeous locations to do wedding photography at the Westlake Village Inn.

… And they live happily ever after!! Congratulation to Joy and Joe!! And also congrats to Joe for making it into USC’s School of Pharmacy!!
Don’t forget to check out their San Juan Capistrano and Laguna Beach Engagement Photography as well. This blog article tells our story of Joy and Joe’s day wedding at the Westlake Village Inn. It shows a Tuscan Garden wedding ceremony and a lunch reception in the Provence Room.