The Four Seasons in Beverly Hills is an interesting location. It has the upscale ritz one expects of Beverly Hills, but without the bustle and commotion of Rodeo Drive. Instead, it borders the sleepy residential part of Beverly Hills. Whenever we shoot a wedding here, we are right in the middle of West Los Angeles, but it always feels more calm and relaxing. I guess that’s one of the reasons why they picked this venue. It very much reflects Joanna and Lambert’s personalities… calm and elegant.We see more and more often the blending of two cultures at a wedding, a joining of two families and two wedding traditions. This wedding day included a traditional Chinese Tea Ceremony in an intimate meeting room (immediate families), followed directly by a traditional Korean Ceremony (with flying dates and piggyback rides!). Then we proceeded with a modern, non-denominational ceremony in Wetherly Gardens. One thing that is a definite must is getting photos on the helipad on the roof. It has an amazing view of Downtown Los Angeles straight to Santa Monica. So continue for Four Seasons wedding photography!
Four Seasons Wedding Preparation
Here is the preparation for the wedding day at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills. A huge shout-out to Queenie Lam and her amazing team at Lifetime Creation for coordinating a beautiful and flawless day!!

First Look at the Four Seasons

Four Seasons Wedding Photos
Here’s where we did a little wedding photography after the first look but before the wedding ceremonies, using the nearby grounds at the 4 Seasons Beverly Hills.

Traditional Korean Ceremony at the Four Seasons

Wedding Ceremony at the Four Seasons

More Wedding Photos!

The Four Seasons Helipad Rooftop

Wedding Reception at the Four Seasons
Here’s their details and table layout for the Four Seasons Beverly Hills reception dinner.

The Grand Entrance

The Cake Cutting

And here’s cute, sincere moment where the groom said something personal and recreated a moment in their relationship.

This is a wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills. It includes rooftop wedding photography on the helipad of the hotel, along with a traditional Korean ceremony and a modern wedding ceremony in the Wetherly Gardens.
For another great example of Four Seasons wedding photography, check out this other Beverly Hills wedding that completely redid the reception ballroom, including white carpet and drapes for the whole room!
You can find more of our recent work on our Instagram feed here. You can also find many more articles, such as weddings we’ve shot on rooftops and helipads. Sometimes people may mistype the Four Seasons as the 4 Seasons Beverly Hills.