Happy Wednesday everyone!! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. And now… it’s time to get them Christmas decorations up. Gavin and I already got our Noble Fir up, the stockings are hung, and now we just need presents under the tree. You know what that means… SHOPPING!! =) I’m so excited and absolutely love this time of the year. So read on for Indian wedding photography (Pacific Palms Resort)…
For some couples, it was love at first sight!! But for Amisha and Morty, well… let’s just say that wasn’t exactly the case. They first met at a house party in the summer of 2006. At the time, they both had significant others and funny enough Amisha couldn’t stand Morty!! It took a little bit of time (actually a whole year) for them to warm up to each other. And that warmth turned into a friendship, and when the timing was right became a passionate romance. A love that is now sealed by the bonds of marriage.
Amisha and Morty are a fun and beautiful couple and their Indian wedding was nothing short of that. Their Indian wedding was filled with vibrant colors, ornate details and not to mention a ton of delicious food!! Yup… they sure know the way to their photographer’s heart!! =) Aside from all the deliciousness, I love shooting Indian weddings because they are rich with traditions. There’s one fun and light-hearted tradition (game) that reminds me of Chinese weddings… and that is making money at the Groom’s expense. [Haha.] Prior to the start of the ceremony, the Bride’s sister and cousins would try to steal and hide the Groom’s shoe. On the other hand, the Groom’s side tries to protect the shoe. However, in the end, the bridesmaids usually successfully steals the shoe and will not return it until the Groom gives them a huge sum of money.
Wedding Preparation

Indian Wedding Photos at Pacific Palms
To make more room for the ceremony and reception, we did wedding photos of our couple before the ceremony. We wandered around the Pacific Palms Resort and got these:

Baraat (Indian Wedding Procession)
The baraat is an Indian wedding tradition where the groom and his family have a procession up the bride, where the families meet. It sometimes involves a horse (or elephant), but it always has fun, loud music and a whole bunch of dancing!

Indian Wedding Ceremony at Pacific Palms

Stealing of the shoe (as I mentioned earlier).

Another fun tradition. Whoever throws the rice first gets the upper hand in the marriage. =)

Morty had to pay to get his shoes back.

Pacific Palms Wedding Reception

More Wedding Photos at Pacific Palms

This article details Indian wedding photography (at Pacific Palms Resort in City of Industry). This includes a traditional Indian wedding ceremony with a baraat.
Make sure to look around our wedding photography blog to see more examples of Indian wedding photography. We also have more recent work that we’ve done on our Instagram account. For example, here is a comparison of natural light versus strobed light for an Indian wedding couple on the beach:
If you are interested in our wedding photography prices and packages, keep reading on.