It was a day filled with laughter, tears of joy, and a whole lot of love from family and friends. You may remember Leslie-Anne and Reggie from their stylized Downtown LA engagement photography session: Love on Hope Street. They met on stage, in acting class at UC Berkeley, where they were often paired as lovers. The act of “being in love” eventually became true love!! And all along they both secretly knew they long for each other. After almost a decade of dating, Leslie-Anne and Reggie promised their lives to each other in front of family and friends at the beautiful Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles. Thank you Stacy Porras for the fabulous day! So read on for our day of Walt Disney Concert Hall wedding photography and videography too!
Here’s their awesome wedding video:
Wedding Preparation at the Westin Bonaventure
I absolutely love the Mother of the Bride’s PJs. I gotta get myself one!!

It’s so thoughtful of Leslie-Anne to get her parents gifts; bracelet for mom and tie clip for dad. Each had a picture of them with her (when she was little) on it.

She had a first look with her dad and it was quite emotional.

Introducing the bride’s party…

Wedding Photos at the Walt Disney Concert Hall
From there we headed over to the Walt Disney Concert Hall for wedding photos of each wedding party, but without the bride and groom seeing each other yet.
Doesn’t Leslie-Anne look gorgeous!!?

And here’s the entire bridal party…

hahaha… love the socks!

Gavin took this picture of the boys right before the ceremony started. I guess they were all nervous!! LOL

Wedding Ceremony at the Concert Hall
The wedding ceremony was at the Blue Ribbon Garden on level 3 of the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Wedding photography for a private event becomes exclusive as they block off the whole garden for the wedding ceremony.

Note the direction of the wedding ceremony in the garden. With the late afternoon sun setting to the southwest, a wedding ceremony facing the water fountain would look like this. It’s in bright sunlight. We as professional wedding photographers make the best of any situation and we actually used studio strobes to balance out the direct sunlight. Here’s an example of a WDCH garden wedding ceremony that is facing in the other direction (away from the fountain or South).

I really LOVE this moment between them right after their first kiss!!

Walt Disney Concert Hall Wedding Photography
After the ceremony we got some time with just the bride and groom around the WDCH garden. It’s an amazing location for wedding photography.

Wedding Reception in BP Hall
BP Hall is the largest room at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, holding up to 300 people for a wedding reception dinner. The smaller Founder’s Room is more intimate, but only holds up to 150.

The Best Grand Entrance Ever!
Leslie-Anne and Reggie had one of the BEST grand entrance I’ve ever seen. Instead of the typical introduction of the bride and groom, they put on a production for their guests. Entering from opposite ends of the banquet hall, Leslie-Anne and Reggie rapped (yes… rapped) to the beat of various hip-hop/R&B songs. This went on for about 8 minutes.!! And WOW… the crowd went wild!! I must say… it was incredible!!
Seriously… click on the play button and see for yourself!!

It was definitely a treat for everyone!!

Speeches, Toasts, and more!
The mother of the bride toast was also one of the best I’ve heard. She got everyone in the room laughing so hard they were starting to tear up.

I love this picture…

The MC also did a great job with getting the crowd involved. For one of the games, he “bribed” some guys from the audience to find a pair of heels and model with them on. Winner gets a prize… so hey, who wouldn’t want to do it? LOL!! We got some brave souls in the house!!

The First Dance
Their first dance was beautiful and creative!! They had a pre-recorded music video (of them) in a sing along/karoke format. The music video/karoke was played on a large project (aka the wall of the concert hall) =) and guests serenade as the couple did their first dance!! love that idea!!

love, love, LOVE their father/daughter dance as well. So sweet…

And once all the festivities were done… the crowd goes wild on the dance floor!! From Carly Rae’s “call me maybe” to Justin Bieber’s “Baby, baby, ohhh baby” to old school hip/hop!!

Congratulations again to Actress Leslie-Anne Huff and Reggie Panaligan for having us and for such a wonderful time!! Best wishes to you both!! Stay tune for their Wedding Video coming soon!!